As soon as the holidays are over, many homeowners are ready to make plans for their backyards. Have you always wanted to add a concrete patio to your landscape? 2019 may be the year to make that dream a reality. GW Brockelbank Concrete Contractors has some advice on how to plan for the addition of a concrete patio to your property.
Pick the location
First, you’ll need to figure out where you want to place your patio. You want it to be easily accessible from your home but you also want the placement to look great. Consider your needs when choosing the location. For example, if you plan to use the patio for lots of dining and entertaining, you’ll want to place it closer to your house.
Determine the size
You don’t want a patio that’s too small or too big – you want one that’s just right. To find the perfect size for your patio, place your furniture around your yard and measure the area. Make adjustments as you see fit until you find the perfect amount of room.
Choose the style
Should you choose decorative or traditional concrete for your patio? Decorative concrete patios are very popular right now because of their sophisticated look. Traditional concrete is a classic style. Either option will likely look nice on your property. For most people, it comes down to their personal preferences.
Hire an expert team to design and install your new concrete patio. Call GW Brockelbank Concrete Contractors today!